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- ItemCOMPARATIVE STUDY OF ANGULAR AND LINEAR MEASUREMENTS OF FACIAL SOFT TISSUE PROFILE OF ALAGO AND EGGON ETHNIC GROUPS IN NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA(2023-08)The knowledge of soft-tissue anthropometric profiles can never be overemphasized in the discipline of medicine, especially in specialties such as orthognathic and plastic surgery, orthodontics, and dental prosthesis. Although direct anthropometry was for years required for this aim, the use of standardized photography today is of the highest importance to achieve biological classification of individual‘s and for clinical research . Therefore, this research is essential for clinicians such as those working in the maxillofacial discipline, as knowledge of the standard anthropometric features of the face of a specific ethnic group would guide the repair of affected areas in their patient. This study was carried out to provide a data base and facial norms of soft tissue profile analysis of the Alago and Eggon adolescent and adults which is very important in forensic and investigative studies. This study was also aimed at showing sexual dimorphism in these anthropometric facial profile parameters within the adolescents and adults of both ethnic groups. Also, to investigate the relationship between various linear and angular facial parameters considered in the present study. A total of five hundred and eighty one subjects (students and non-students) participated in this study (n=581).This study comprising of 315 males and 266 females from Alago and Ethnic groups was conducted in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study covered Alago and Eggon adolescents and adults between the age of 13-32. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee on Human Subjects of the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and a proforma was issued to the subjects. Pictures were taken in frontal and lateral position and exported to a computer. On the computer the Face arth software was used to measure the linear and angular parameters in the study.The angles measured were : facial convexity angle, upper lip angle, nasolabial angle, nasofacial angle, nasomental angle and mentocervical angle . The linear dimensions of interest were; inferior labial sulcus, interlabial gap, upper lip length, lower lip length, total facial height, true vertical line (TVL)-nasal tip, TVL upper lip, TVL-lower lip, TVL-pogonion, soft tissue A-TVL, and soft tissue B-TVL. Statistical analysis was done using program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 26.0. The mean values for all the linear and angular parameters were established for both ethnic groups. The present study also showed that both adult and adolescent males of both ethnic groups had higher lower lip length, nasofacial angle and mentocervical angle than the females except for the angle of facial convexity where the females showed significantly higher values (p<0.05). Correlation patterns were established between the linear and angular facial profile of Alago and Eggon sample population. Nasolabial, nasomental and nasofacial angles showed strong positive correlation i.e. the three angles increase in a direct proportion while the facial height showed strong negative correlation with the angle of facial convexity and the nasolabial angle of both ethic groups. The results of this study are recommended for anthropological, forensic and clinical investigations of the Alago and Egoon ethnic groups.
- ItemSTATURE ESTIMATION AND SEXUAL DIMORPHISM FROM BODY PROPORTIONS OF CHILDREN AND ADULTS IN CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA(2022)It is important to consider that biological variation among humans has biomedical, forensic, and socio-political implications. As such, the study of human variation and evolution has formed the basis of anthropological inquiry for centuries and continues to be a major source of plot and inspiration for modern scientific research. Stature prediction from body proportions and fragmented body parts of an individual plays a significant role in forensic examinations and anthropological research. It provides insight into a population, defines the ethnic variability of the population and provide significant evidence in the medico-legal investigation for the establishment of identity. The study aimed to determine the anthropometric variables, estimate stature and determine sexual dimorphism from body proportions of children and adults in the Southern, Central and Northern senatorial zones of Cross River State, in order to establish a reference data base for the relationship between body proportions, stature and sexual dimorphism in the study population as stature equations are population specific. The study sample comprised 1200 subjects (600 males and 600 females) of Cross River State parentage using systematic random sampling and self-administered proforma which were completed by the enumerators, aged 5 to 45 years who volunteered and satisfied the inclusion criteria. The study protocol was divided into four age groups, from children (5 to 11 years), adolescents (12 to 17 years), young adults (18 to 30 years) and adults (31 to 45 years). In order to examine the rate of change across age groups, male and female samples from the four age bands were considered separately. The study showed that the mean age of the subjects in the entire population was 20.35 ± 10.70 years. The average ages of the subjects from Southern, Central and Northern senatorial zones were 20.12 ± 10.38, 20.61 ± 10.77 and 20.31 ± 10.95 years, respectively. The mean height of the population was 153.09 ± 17.98 cm, with a mean height for males and females 155.88 ± 20.13 cm and 150.29 ± 15.03 cm, respectively, indicating that the males were significantly taller in stature when compared to the females (t = 5.46, P ˂ 0.001). The mean height for Southern, Central and Northern senatorial zones were 152.90 ± 17.16, 154.44 ± 18.01 and 151.92 ± 18.68 cm, respectively, indicating that the subjects from the Central senatorial zone are significantly taller in stature when compared to subjects from the Southern and Northern senatorial zones (P < 0.001). Girls from the Southern senatorial zone and Central senatorial zone have larger anthropometrics than the boys, except the Northern senatorial zone where boys are presented with higher anthropometrics when compared to the girls. Males are presented with higher anthropometrics in the adolescent, young adult and adult age groups when compared to their female counterparts. Also, males showed higher correlation between measured variables and stature compared to females. Linear and multiple regression models for stature estimation from anthropometric variables of each senatorial zone were generated. Demispan length had the highest precision as single prediction parameter. This study has demonstrated that stature can be predicted from body proportions, with the demispan length showing more accuracy and reliability than the other measured variables
- ItemANTIBIOFILM EFFECTS OF PARTIALLY PURIFIED FRACTION OF ETHYLACETATE EXTRACT OF ACALYPHA WILKESIANA LEAVES ON CLINICAL ISOLATES OF CANDIDA ALBICANS I, II AND CANDIDA PARAPSILOSIS(2021)Candida infection is the most common hospital-acquired infection caused by fungal pathogen which is frequently involved in biofilm growth, exhibiting to increased resistance to antifungal drugs. This research is aimed at evaluating the biofilm eradication activity of purified fraction of ethylacetate extract of Acalypha wilkesiana leaves on biofilms of C. albicans I, II and C. parapsilosis. Column Chromatography-TLC was used to fractionate and partially purify the extract using a bioassay guided fractionation. The most potent fraction was partially purified using preparative TLC. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) , and median inhibitory concentration (IC50) were carried out using micro dilution method. Fungicidal activity (MFC) of the purified fraction was determined by agar well diffusion method. Adhered cells penetrability of the extracts was carried out by forming adhered cells on membrane polycarbonate filters, and determining the concentration of the antifungals that penetrated the adhered cells with time. Median adhered cells (AdEC50) and median biofilm eradication concentration (BEC50) were determined by microdilution method. Antibiofilm activity of the purified fraction on the morphology of the sessile cells of Candida spp was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. The mode of action was predicted by the use of sorbitol and ergosterol to evaluate their effect on the IC50 of the antifungal and comparing it with the IC50 of caspofungin and Amphotericin B which are standard antifungals with known mode of actions. The result revealed that ethylacetate extract was the most potent with antifungal activities compared to n-hexane, methanol and aqueous extracts of A. wilkesiana leaves. The purified fraction of the ethylacetate extract had MIC of 1.25mg/ml on C. albicans I, II and C. parapsilosis, respectively. MFC of 2.5mg/ml on C. albicans I and II but had no fungicidal activity on C. parapsilosis. The partially purified fraction had minimum values of IC50 and BEC50 compared to other fractions. There was reduction in clusters formed by proliferation of the sessile cells on the morphology of C. albicans I, II and C. parapsilosis in all treated plates compared to the control. There was increase in the IC50 of the purified fraction and caspofungin in the presence of sorbitol. In conclusion, the partially purified fraction of ethylacetate extract had antibiofilm activity against the three strains of Candida used. Increased in IC50 of the purified fraction and caspofungin implicated the fungal cell wall as the possible target of the partially purified fraction of ethylacetate extract of A. wilkesiana leaves
- ItemGrowth, Body Composition and Nutritional Status of Children and Adolescents in Lafia and Doma Local Government Areas of Nasarawa State, Nigeria(2022)Assessment of nutritional status of children and adolescents is a good indicator of socioeconomic growth of a community. The best worldwide indicator of children and adolescents‘ well-being is growth. The assessment of growth provides information about health and nutritional status of children and adolescents. In Nigeria, little attention is paid to the growth of children > 5 years. As a result, data on growth and nutritional status of children and adolescents in Nigeria are limited. Anthropometric measures have long been used for assessments of growth and nutritional status, but percentile ranges for healthy Nigerian children and adolescents are currently unavailable. Anthropometric and sociodemographic data from 7,321 children and adolescents from Nasarawa State were collected from preschool, nursery, primary, junior and senior secondary schools from Lafia (urban setting) and Doma (rural setting) Local Government Areas. The nutritional status was examined by converting measurementsto z-scores using the World Health Organization growth reference. z-scores for height <−2 and <−3 were considered as moderate stunting and severe stunting (that is, shortstature); BMI z-scores <−2 and <−3 were considered as moderate thinness and severe thinness (or underweight) and those> +1 and > +2 as overweight and obesity, correspondingly. Meanz-scores and the prevalence below or above these cut-offswere calculated by age and sex. Deviation from the expectedmean of zero was tested with a one-sample t-test within agegroups, and differences in mean z-scores between boys andgirls with an unpaired sample t-test.The Lamda, Mu and Sigma (LMS) method was used to constructsix (6) smoothed-percentile reference curves and the LMS parameters needed for z-score estimation by age and sex were generated. The prevalence of moderate and severe stunting for the overall population are 20.3% and 6.5%, respectively, whereas, the prevalence of moderate and severe thinness for the combined population were 32.6% and 14.2%respectively. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were respectively 2.7% and 0.6%. The prevalence of stunting and thinness were higher in boys (21.1% and 36.1% respectively) than in girls (18.0% and 29.5% respectively). Compared to the WHO reference, percentiles of height and BMI of children and adolescents from Nasarawa State were generally lower. This difference was appreciably more pronounced in boys than in girls. Age- and sex-specific-smoothed-percentiles and corresponding LMS variables for height, weight, BMI, skinfold thicknesses (biceps, triceps, sub-scapular and supra-iliac), MUAC and its derived measures (UAMA and UAFA) were fitted. Multiple logistic regression demonstrated that moderate stunting was affected by father‘s educational background, compared to mother‘s level of education. In contrast, severe stunting had stronger association with mother‘s level of education than father‘s educational background. However, ethnicity was not associated with stunting. Parent‘s educational background was not associated with moderate thinness. However, father‘s level of education showed stronger association with severe thinness compared to mother‘s level of education. Moreover, stepwise logistic regression showed the order of influence of parent‘s level of education as mothers with no formal education > father with no formal education > father attaining primary education > mother attaining secondary education. In conclusion, this study revealed a high prevalence of stunting, thinness and low level of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents from Lafia and Doma Local Government Areas indicating growth faltering and malnutrition. Children and adolescents from these Local Government Areas fall below WHO centile references. This study established up-to-date centile curves for height, weight, BMI, MUAC and its derived measures and skinfold thicknesses. These reference curves describe the current status of these anthropometric markers and can be used as a basis for comparison in future studies
- ItemGrowth, Body Composition and Nutritional Status of Children and Adolescents in Lafia and Doma Local Government Areas of Nasarawa State, Nigeria(2022)Assessment of nutritional status of children and adolescents is a good indicator of socioeconomic growth of a community. The best worldwide indicator of children and adolescents‘ well-being is growth. The assessment of growth provides information about health and nutritional status of children and adolescents. In Nigeria, little attention is paid to the growth of children > 5 years. As a result, data on growth and nutritional status of children and adolescents in Nigeria are limited. Anthropometric measures have long been used for assessments of growth and nutritional status, but percentile ranges for healthy Nigerian children and adolescents are currently unavailable. Anthropometric and sociodemographic data from 7,321 children and adolescents from Nasarawa State were collected from preschool, nursery, primary, junior and senior secondary schools from Lafia (urban setting) and Doma (rural setting) Local Government Areas. The nutritional status was examined by converting measurementsto z-scores using the World Health Organization growth reference. z-scores for height <−2 and <−3 were considered as moderate stunting and severe stunting (that is, shortstature); BMI z-scores <−2 and <−3 were considered as moderate thinness and severe thinness (or underweight) and those> +1 and > +2 as overweight and obesity, correspondingly. Meanz-scores and the prevalence below or above these cut-offswere calculated by age and sex. Deviation from the expectedmean of zero was tested with a one-sample t-test within agegroups, and differences in mean z-scores between boys andgirls with an unpaired sample t-test.The Lamda, Mu and Sigma (LMS) method was used to constructsix (6) smoothed-percentile reference curves and the LMS parameters needed for z-score estimation by age and sex were generated. The prevalence of moderate and severe stunting for the overall population are 20.3% and 6.5%, respectively, whereas, the prevalence of moderate and severe thinness for the combined population were 32.6% and 14.2%respectively. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were respectively 2.7% and 0.6%. The prevalence of stunting and thinness were higher in boys (21.1% and 36.1% respectively) than in girls (18.0% and 29.5% respectively). Compared to the WHO reference, percentiles of height and BMI of children and adolescents from Nasarawa State were generally lower. This difference was appreciably more pronounced in boys than in girls. Age- and sex-specific-smoothed-percentiles and corresponding LMS variables for height, weight, BMI, skinfold thicknesses (biceps, triceps, sub-scapular and supra-iliac), MUAC and its derived measures (UAMA and UAFA) were fitted. Multiple logistic regression demonstrated that moderate stunting was affected by father‘s educational background, compared to mother‘s level of education. In contrast, severe stunting had stronger association with mother‘s level of education than father‘s educational background. However, ethnicity was not associated with stunting. Parent‘s educational background was not associated with moderate thinness. However, father‘s level of education showed stronger association with severe thinness compared to mother‘s level of education. Moreover, stepwise logistic regression showed the order of influence of parent‘s level of education as mothers with no formal education > father with no formal education > father attaining primary education > mother attaining secondary education. In conclusion, this study revealed a high prevalence of stunting, thinness and low level of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents from Lafia and Doma Local Government Areas indicating growth faltering and malnutrition. Children and adolescents from these Local Government Areas fall below WHO centile references. This study established up-to-date centile curves for height, weight, BMI, MUAC and its derived measures and skinfold thicknesses. These reference curves describe the current status of these anthropometric markers and can be used as a basis for comparison in future studies.