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- ItemTHE ADAPTOGENIC EFFECT OF APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV) IN CHRONIC RESTRAINT - STRESSED WISTAR RATS(2017-06) ABDULRAUF, RUKAYYA ADEBISIStress is a prime factor for most of the illnesses in humanlife Chronic stress exposure has been reported to cause anatomical and physiological brain damage, immunosuppression, infertility and damage to various internal organs. The function of stress hormones; corticosterone and epinephrine is believed to preserve homeostasis but these hormones may turn out to be detrimental in excess or if they persist in blood when no more required. Thirty (30) Adult wistar rats of both sexes (n=30), weighing 150-200 g were divided into 3 groups each consisting of a male and female subgroup and given the following treatments once a day for 21 days: Normal control group received 1 ml distilled water orally, the restraint stress (RS) group were exposed to chronic restraint stress 6 hours daily while the Apple cider vinegar (ACV)-treated group received 4 ml/kg of apple cider vinegar orally in addition to chronic restraint stress 6 hours daily. The rats were sacrificed after the experimental period and blood was collected via cardiac puncture and the sera obtained and used for setermination of serum level of Corticosterone and Epinephrine as well as Malondialdehyde, Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase activity. Preliminary phytochemical screening on apple cider vinegar gave positive tests for flavonoids, anthraquinones, sterols and triterpenoids as well as tannins. ACV (4ml/kg) showed adaptogenic activity by attenuating lipid peroxidation (p<0.05) i.e decreased serum malondialdehyde level (655.52 nmol/mg of protein and 492.92 nmol/mg of protein in the male and female rats respectively) while upregulating endogenous superoxide dismutase activity (26.52 U/ml in male rats and 24.8 U/ml in female rats respectively). Polyphenols and flavonoids in ACV may have ameliorated existing lipid peroxidation and enhanced endogenous antioxidant enzyme activity in response to restraint procedure. However, ACV (4ml/kg) did not decrease (p<0.05) serum levels of stress hormones corticosterone (315.43 ng/ml and 334 ng/ml) and epinephrine (38.14 pg/ml and 42 pg/ml) in male and female rats respectively. Females showed a higher stress response with respect to the stress hormones but this was inconsistent with the antioxidant enzymes.In conclusion, ACV is a potential adaptogen and response to anti-stress therapy in chronic restraint stress wistar rats may be similar in both sexes.
- ItemAMELIORATIVE EFFECT OF SELENIUM YEAST ON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN STREPTOZOTOCIN-INDUCED DIABETIC WISTAR RATS(2015-02) MUHAMMED, Kabir AhmedOxidative stress and lipid peroxidation are central factors in the metabolic dysfunctions and pathologies associated with diabetes. The results from studies on the benefits of Selenium a trace element with antioxidant, anti-lipidemic and anti-inflammatory properties, in diabetes mellitus have been controversial without prospective outcome and Se appears to be a double-edged sword in the pathologies of diabetes mellitus. It was suggested that selenium could cause glucose disturbance and increase the risk for diabetes mellitus. The present study intends to determine the ameliorative effects of selenium yeast on blood glucose level, oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation biomarkers, and abnormal lipid profile, serum levels of liver enzymes, electrolytes, triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine levels in streptozotocin induced diabetes in Wister rats. Thirty five (35) adult male Wistar rats weighing (180 – 200) grams randomly divided into six treatment and one control groups of five rats each (n = 5). Hyperglycemia was induced in all groups except Group IV by single intraperitoneal injection of 60mg/kg of streptozotocin dissolved in 0.1ml fresh cold citrate buffer pH 4.5 into 16 h-fasted rats. In addition, Groups I and II received 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg/day for 4weeks of selenium yeast respectively, Group III received 1mg/kg/day for 4weeks of glibenclamide, Groups IV and V served as the normal and diabetic control groups respectively and received only 0.9% of normal saline. Groups VI and VII received 300 and 120 mg/kg/day for 4weeks of aspirin and ibuprofen respectively, all treatments were administered via oral route. Blood samples were collected from the tail vein on weekly basis for the period of 4weeks and used for determination of blood plasma glucose levels, and at the end of the fourth week rats were euthanized and blood samples were drawn from the heart by cardiac puncture and used to estimate oxidative stress biomakers (i.e. superoxide dismutase, catalase and gluthation peroxidase) and lipid peroxidation biomarkers (i.e. malondealdehyde),lipid profile, serum levels of liver enzymes, electrolytes, triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine levels. Analysis of variance and Turkey‟s post-hoc test were used to analyze the data obtained. The results showed that there was significant (P < 0.05) decrease in blood glucose level at week one and week three with the dose of 0.2 mg/kg of selenium yeast administered, while with the dose of 0.1mg/kg of selenium yeast, there was no significant difference in blood plasma glucose level when compared with the diabetic control group. It was also revealed that the serum liver enzymes aspertate amino transferase and alanine amino transferase were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the groups treated with 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg of selenium yeast. Also, of the oxidative stress biomarkers assessed, there was significant reduction (P < 0.05) in only the malondealdehyde level of the group treated with 0.2 mg/kg of selenium yeast when compared with the diabetic control group. For the lipid profile assessment, the effect of selenium yeast was only seen in the level of triglyceride in the group treated with 0.2 mg/kg of selenium yeast which was significantly lower (P < 0.05) when compared to the diabetic control. Sodium and chloride ion levels of the serum electrolytes were significantly lowered (P < 0.05) in the group treated with 0.2 mg/kg of selenium yeast when compared to diabetic control group. Serum triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine levels did not show any significant difference across all the treated groups when compared to the diabetic and normal control groups. Tissue necrosis factor alpha level in the serum showed a decrease in the groups treated with 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg of selenium yeast but not statistically significant (P > 0.05) when compared with the normal and diabetic control groups. Therefore, selenium yeast possesses hypoglycaemic property that is comparable to the oral-hypoglycaemic drug glibenclamide. In addition, the
- ItemAMELIORATIVE EFFECTS OF AQUEOUS EXTRACTS OF Brysocarpus coccineus ON ISONIAZID INDUCED OXIDATIVE STRESS AND HEPATOTOXICITY IN ADULT MALE WISTAR RATS(2017-05) ANDREW, KashiniTuberculosis is the most common cause of death from an infectious agent, it is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in Africa and Nigeria. Isoniazid (INH) is one of the effective drugs used in its treatment and prevention with the inadvertent complications of oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity. The aim of the current study was to determine the antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of Brysocarpus coccineus aqueous extracts on isoniazid induced oxidative stress and hepatotoxi cty. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into six groups of five rats each and treated orally for 30 days as follows: Group I: 1 ml/kg of distilled water; group II: Isoniazid (27 mg/kg); group III: Isoniazid (27 mg/kg) + Livolin forte (20 mg/kg); group IV: Isoniazid (27 mg/kg) + B. coccineus (200 mg/kg); group V: Isoniazid (27 mg/kg) + B. coccineus (400 mg/kg); group VI: Isoniazid (27 mg/kg) + B. coccineus (800 mg/kg). Afterwards rats were sacrificed and serum was collected for oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity biomarker assays, liver tissue was also collected for Histology. There was a significant (p≤ 0.05) increase in serum MDA levels in the group treated with isoniazid alone compared to the control, this was reversed in the groups treated with livolin forte and the extract in a dose dependent manner which was not significant (p≤ 0.05), there was also a decrease in the serum SOD and CAT in the groups treated with Isoniazid and livolin forte and all the groups treated with the extract compared to the control. There was an increase in the serum AST and ALT in the isoniazid group which was reversed by livolin forte and the aqueous extracts at a dose of 200mg/kg, however the extracts increased the serum levels of AST and ALT at higher doses this was not significant (p≤ 0.05) when compared to the controls. Serum total protein and albumin was increased in the isoniazid treated group, and decreased in the group treated with livolin forte and the extracts at 200mg/kg, it was however increased at high doses which was not significant (p≤ 0.05). The extracts caused statistically significant (p≤ 0.05) increases in the serum total and conjugated bilirubin compared to the control and livolin treated group. The liver histology revealed sinusoidal dilatation and central veins congestion in the isoniazid treated group which was not evident in the groups treated with the extract at 400 and 800 mg/kg. In conclusion, aqueous extracts of B.coccineus showed anti-oxidant and hepatoprotective effects at a low dose in isoniazid induced oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity in adult male Wistar rats.
- ItemAMELIORATIVE EFFECTS OF FRACTIONATED EXTRACTS OF VITEX SIMPLICIFOLIA LEAF ON BLOOD GLUCOSE AND SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN ALLOXAN- INDUCED DIABETIC WISTAR RATS(2016-07) MOHAMMED, ALI SALIMHerbal medicine is the oldest form of health care known to mankind. A concoction of Vitex simplicifolia leaf is widely used in sub Saharan Africa for treatment of diabetes mellitus and a lot other diseases. The study investigated the hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant and hepato-renal toxicity of fractionated extract of Vitex simplicifolia leaf on alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The plant extract was fractionated in solvents of varying polarities (aqueous, methanolic, hexane and ethyl acetate). 250, 500 and 1000mg/kg of body weight of the fractionated extracts were administered to the diabetic rats, aqueous (groups 4, 5 and 6), methanolic (groups 7, 8 and 9), ethyl acetate (groups 10, 11 and 12), hexane (groups 13, 14 and 15). Groups 1 and 2 were normal and diabetic control, while group 3 was administered glibenclimade (reference drug). Fasting blood glucose, lipid profile, liver glycogen content, superoxide dismutase (SOD), vitamins A, C and E, AST, ALP, ALT, unconjugated bilirubin and serum electrolytes; sodium, chloride, carbonate, urea and creatinine were determined. The result of the study showed that there was significant decrease (P< 0.05) in fasting blood glucose level, with the aqueous fraction showing percentage reduction of 72,75 and 81%, n-hexane 58,71 and 77%, ethyl acetate 54,70 and 71%, glibenclimade (reference drug) 65% and methanol 8, 16 and 17% at 250,500 and 1000 mg/kg of body weight respectively. Oral administrations of fractionated extracts aqueous, ethyl acetate and N-hexane of Vitex Simplicifolia for 21 days significantly increase liver glycogen content, however, the methanolic fraction showed no significant change. All the fractionated extracts showed no significant changes in lipid profile , SOD, vitamins A, E and C. Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate fractions significantly increase ALP (P<0.05) and significantly decrease (P<0.05) AST. However, the n- hexane fraction showed significant increase in ALP AST and unconjugated bilirubin. Aqueous fraction of Vitex simplicifolia showed no significant change in Na, K and chloride but significantly increase urea and significantly decrease (P<0.05) creatinine and HCO3. But the methanol and ethyl acetate fraction significantly increased urea, sodium and chloride but showed no significant change in HCO3, potassium, chloride and creatinine .The histopathological studies of the liver showed mild to moderate sinusoidal lymphocytosis with prominent kupfer cells and focal portal inflammation in the test groups. The kidneys of the test groups showed mild to moderate distal tubular epithelial cell oedema and mild interstitial inflammation. In conclusion, the four fractionated extracts of Vitex simplicifolia leaf extract were observed to posses‟ potent hypoglycaemic activity but have no hypolipidemic and antioxidant potential. However, it was also observed to possess a moderate hepato-renal toxicity.
- ItemANALYSES OF DIGITO – PALMAR DERMATOGLYPHICS IN UBANG CLAN OF CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA(2015-09) ABUE, ANDREW DONATUSThe analysis of Digito Palmar Dermatoglyphics Pattern in Ubang clan of Cross River State, Nigeria, aimed at determining the true dermatoglyphics patterns of the Ubangs and establish if there is a language variation amongst the gender in the community. Seven research objectives were spelt-out and three research questions asked which serve as a guide in the conduct of the research work. Eight hundred (800) samples were collected from Ubang community (400 males and 380 females). Twenty samples were discarded because of poor visibility of prints. Samples were collected via a cross-sectional simple random sampling technique, to select the clusters used in the research, this was used also to select the control from one of the cardinal points (south) of the community (Ntamante in Boki LGA). The Ink procedure was adopted (Cummis et al., 1961) was adopted in the collection of samples because of the cheap technique and the ease of collection of prints from the subjects. Ethical approval was gotten from Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), Shika –Zaria for the research work and verbal consent was gotten from the community and the subjects used for the research. Some of the materials used included duplicating papers, stamp pads, endorsing ink, protractors, hand-lens etc. The ink procedure involves the placing of the duplicating papers on a hard smooth surface and the subjects hands washed with water and dried, with some moisture left. The hands rubbed with ink from the stamp pad starting with the right hand is placed on the coded duplicating paper for research identification, this is repeated on the left hand. The prints were analyzed with the aid of a hand lens, pointed needle, protractor, ruler, pencil, etc. for the dermatoglyphics data to be collected. The inclusion criteria for the research were subjects whose great grandparents were from Ubang clan, this was verified via identification of the graves of their great grandparents by the oldest man in the community, the age bracket was pegged at 18-68years. Descriptive statistics was used for continuous and categorical viii variables SPSS an SAS were used to analysed the data. The qualitative variables (Arches, loops and whorls) showed significant differences between the gender in both hands when T-test was conducted with (p<0.05). The male Ulnar loop had the highest distribution (51.7± 39.2) while the male radial loop (0.7± 0.8) had the lowest distribution as what is obtain in other parts of Nigeria, Africa and Asia were the men and women speak same language. The females ulnar loop was 58.2±4.9 while the radial loop was (0.6± 1.9) this was higher in females than the males. The correlation coefficient (r) for males was 1 as compared to that of the females (0.7) in their AB ridge count. The correlation coefficient for males (0.9) on the ATD angles was greater than in the females (0.8) for the Ubangs. The C-line termination for the Ubangs was greatest in the Ulnar loop termination (69.5%) males and (55%) for females in Ubang community. The T-test was significant for both males and females (p<0.05), the C-line termination was least on the radial loop termination (0%) males and (4%) females, this is same with what was obtained in other ethnic groups whose men and women speaks the same language. The Furuhata’s index is more in the females of Ubang community (28.2%) than in the males (25.4%). One hundred percent of the respondents agreed that they speak Ubang language because of what others in the community may say about them. This clearly shows that the language is spoken because of the influence of the norms and practices in the community that are put in place by the men and taught by the women to their children and not genetic. A list of thirty-one words were generated via a language consultant in the community in their singular and plural forms, and it clearly affirm that truly the men and women speak different languages of (Ofre) and (Arasere) respectively. In conclusion, the dermatoglyphics patterns in Ubang community are the same with other communities where men and women speak the same language. The language variation in Ubang amongst the men and women is due to power play and male dominance, not genetic as claimed by the myth and belief of the Ubang people.
- ItemANATOMICAL AND HISTOCHEMICAL STUDIES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM OF THE AFRICAN GIANT RAT(2010-12) OLIVER, NZALAK JAMESABSTRACT. Forty African giant rats (AGRs), (Cricetomys gambianus) were used for morphometric, morphologic, histologic and histochemical studies. The various segments of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) were weighted, measured and photographs taken. Transverse sections of different segments of the GIT were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin for normal histological studies. For histochemical studies, transverse sections were stained with Alcian Blue, Periodic Acid Schiff and Alcian Blue-Periodic Acid Schiff to determine their nature of secretions. The large intestine was found to have the highest mean weight (19.98 ± 0.39 g) followed by the stomach (19.47 ± 0.26 g) and then the small intestine (17.19 ± 0.30 g), respectively. Of all the digestive glands, the liver was found to have the highest weight (21.29 ± 0.43 g). The small intestine was observed to be the longest (109.17 ± 28.68 cm) followed by the large intestine (75.57 ± 1.78 cm).Out of all the intestinal segments (small and large), the jejunum was observed to be the longest (72.26 ± 2.39 cm) followed by the colon (57.30 ± 1.58 cm).Grossly, the AGR had two upper and two lower incisor teeth and three upper and three lower molar teeth. The parotid and mandibular salivary glands were found to be non-lobulated and lobulated, respectively. The esophagus was found to lie dorsal to the trachea throughout its length. The stomach was made up of glandular and non-glandular parts with a constriction separating the two parts. Esophageal epithelium was non-keratinized and devoid of lamina muscularis and glands. The stomach was observed to be divided into two parts (non-glandular and glandular) with an isthmus separating them. The non-glandular part had papillae which were covered with stratified squamous epithelium and resembled the rumen of ruminants. The isthmus was made up of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with no glands. The glandular stomach had mucous secreting epithelium with gastric pits and glands at the mucosa. The small intestine was made up of the 8 duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The duodenum had villi that were covered by simple columnar epithelial cells. The duodenal (Brunner’s) glands were seen on the upper part of the submucosa. The jejunum had intestinal glands (crypts of Lieberkuhn), while the ileum had villi, aggregate of lymphatic nodules (Payer’s patches) and intestinal glands (crypts of Lieberkuhn).The large intestine was observed to be made up of the caecum, colon and rectum. They all had similar basic structures and none had villi. The mucosal surfaces were smooth with goblet cells. Histochemical studies of the GIT showed a positive response to AB, PAS, and AB-PAS with the exception of the esophagus that was negative to all the reactions. The jejunum and ileum were AB positive and PAS negative. The parotid salivary glands consisted entirely of serous acini as they were PAS positive while the mandibular salivary glands consisted of both serous and mucous acini as they were AB and PAS positive. The gall bladder had the shape of a balloon and was found on the visceral surface of the liver. The liver was observed to be divided into four lobes. The gross and histological features of the stomach of the AGR which resembled the abomasum and rumen of ruminants may be responsible for its feeding habit (omnivorous).The thickening of the tunica muscularis of the colon and rectum has been correlated with the temporary storage and expulsion of fecal materials. Although the esophagus had no mucous secreting glands, the mucous produced by the salivary glands and the enzymes of surface origin may protect the mucosal surface and also provides digestive functions for the esophagus. The production of acidic and neutral mucins in the stomach and duodenum is to maintain the p.H of the chyme. The presence of large number of mucous secreting cells provides a mucous layer around the fecal pellets facilitating its release and protecting the epithelium.
- ItemANATOMICAL AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDIES OF THE SPINAL CORD OF THE GRASSCUTTER (Thryonomysswinderianus)(2019-12) FELIX, Udawinojo EnemaliGrasscutters are currently being explored as laboratory models for scientific, medical and behavioural researches. In the present study, the anatomical, histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical studies of the spinal cord of the grasscutter was evaluated. Twelve adult Grasscutters comprising six males and six females were utilized for the study. The studies on the spinal cord of Grasscutter were done by gross observations and light microscopical methods. The animals were weighed and sacrificed by dissected. The spinal cords were removed by splitting open the vertebrae to expose the spinal cords which were then cleaned by removing the meninges surrounding them. The gross morphology of the spinal cord was studied while the segments were fixed, processed, sectioned and were taken for histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical studies using H and E, Cresyl fast violet, Golgi-Cox and Alpha-1 antityrosine hydroxylase methods respectively for detailed studies of the spinal cord segments of the Grasscutter. Histometrical evaluation wasdone for detailed studies on the areas and perimeters of the various neurons in the spinal cord segments of Grasscutter. The results showed that the mean weight of the males was significantly higher than the females (P<0.05) while the mean weight of the spinal cord did not show sexual dimorphism. The mean weight of the Grasscutter was 4700.27±0.05 g and 3633.40±0.80 g for males and females respectively. The spinal cord of the Grasscutter was observed to be made up of 28 segments which are regionally divided into 7 cervical, 13 thoracic, 6 lumbar and 2 sacral spinal segments. Two enlarged regions were observed in the spinal cord of Grasscutters namely, the cervical enlargement which was observed between C2 and C7 and lumbosacral enlargement observed between L1 and S2 spinal cord segments. The result showed that the histological features of the spinal cord of the Grasscutter with H & E method, has inner gray matter core surrounded by an outer white matter. No histological difference was observed between male and female Grasscutter. The basic structural pattern was the same throughout the length of the spinal cord of the Grasscutter. The present study using Cresyl fast violet method showed that the gray matter was stained dark purple due to the abundant presence of Nissl bodies in the neuronal cell bodies while the outer zone of white matter stained relatively lighter due to the presence of nerve fibers in the region. The neurons in the anterior gray horns of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord are multipolar motor neurons with prominent vesicular nucleus while cells in the posterior gray horns of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral segments are sensory neurons. The spinal cord of the Grasscutter when stained with Golgi-Cox method revealed neurons which are of various shapes in the gray matter of the spinal cord of the Grasscutter. The gray matters of the spinal cord which had posterior and anterior horns were seen to contain neurons which were composed of several dendrites and one axon. Neurons found mainly in the posterior horns of the spinal cord of Grasscutter especially in the cervical and lumbar spinal segments were unipolar neurons while neurons of the anterior horns of the spinal cord of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral spinal segments of Grasscutter were multipolar neurons. The result of immunohistochemical studies of the spinal cord of the Grasscutter treated with alpha-1 antityrosine hydroxylase, showed that dopaminergic neurons are present in the spinal cord of Grasscutters. The dopaminergic neurons were deeply stained in the lumbosacral segments than in other spinal cord segments of Grasscutters. The result of the histometrical studies of cell areas and cell sizes of the spinal cord of Grasscutters showed that the greatest value for mean for cell perimeter and cell area was observed in the lumbar spinal cord segment to be 9.30± 0.67 and 3.28± 0.59 respectively while the least values cell perimeters and cell areas were calculated to be 3.86± 0.24 and 0.83± 0.09 respectively were observed in the cervical spinal cord segment. Using t- test analysis the cell area in cervical ventral horn wassignificantly higher than cell area in the sacral ventral horn (P<0.05) and cell area in the dorsal horn of cervical spinal cord was significantly higher than the cell area in the dorsal horn of the thoracic spinal cord segment of Grasscutter. The cell perimeter of the cells of the ventral horn of lumbar spinal cord segment was significant larger than cell perimeter of the cells of the ventral horn of the cervical spinal cord segment (P<0.05) and the cell sizes of the dorsal horns of lumbar spinal cord segment was significantly higher of the dorsal horn cell of the cervical spinal cord segment (P<0.05). The anatomical, histological, Histochemical, immunohistochemical and histometrical studies on the spinal cord of Grasscutter (thryonomysswinderianus) showed unique features which include cervical and lumbosacal enlargements, presence of Nissl bodies in the cell bodies of neurons and abundance of dopamergic neurons in the cervical and lumbosacral regions. These features could be helpful in understanding the biology and behaviour of this rodent.
- ItemANATOMICAL STUDIES ON THYROID, PARATHYROID AND ADRENAL GLANDS OF INDIGENOUS ONE-HUMPED CAMEL (Camelus dromedary)(2015-09) ABUBAKAR, Umar-Farouq MaheInformation on the anatomical studies of the endocrine glands of the indigenous one-humped camel in Northern Nigeria is scarce, and the fact that these endocrine glands may be involved in the mechanisms of adaptation to hostile environment through which it survives for long periods without food and water in the arid zones. Thirty (30) one-humped camels, comprising fifteen (15) males and fifteen (15) females were used in this study. The animals were divided into 3 groups of 10 animals each. Group A, B and C constitute 10 one-humped camels (5 males and 5 females) aged between 1 to 5 years, 6 to 10 years and above 10 years, respectively. The gross anatomical study of the endocrine glands namely; thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands were done to determine their shapes, texture, color, surfaces, and borders, measurements on the weights where obtained using digital weighing balance, and measurements of width, thickness and length were taken using digital vernier caliper. Histological features were studied using routine Haematoxylin and Eosin (H and E) for light microscopy. Histochemical features of the endocrine glands were explored using Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) special stain; for thyroid and parathyroid glands, Acid Hydrolysis Azure A for thyroid gland, Alcian blue and potassium dichromate for adrenal gland. Hormonal assays of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Triiodothyronine (T3), and Tetraiodothyronine (T4) were studied using three different Enzyme Linked Immuno Servent Assay (ELISA) Kits (obtained from Nazo Medical Diagnostic Services, Lagos) for the T3, T4, and TSH ELISA. The result showed that the thyroid gland was a paired-lobe, and lengthy organ, with blood supply from superior thyroid, middle thyroid and inferior thyroid arteries. Correlation of the weight of the thyroid gland in one-humped camel was directly proportional to the age of the animal, while the correlation of the concentration of the thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) was inversely proportional to the weight and the age of the vii thyroid gland in the indigenous one-humped camel. There were higher concentrations of thyroid hormones in the young than in the adult. Histological studies revealed the appearances of numerous vacuolated colloids, and apoptosis of the follicular cells of the adult animals, which highlight the reason for the above correlations. There were follicular and parafollicular cells. The parathyroid glands were two pairs of glands situated around thyroid gland lobes. In addition, accessory parathyroid glands were seen, in this study, situated on the right, while some on the left of the indigenous one-humped camel. The result showed that there was sexual dimorphism in the weight, length, width and thickness in the parathyroid glands in the juvenile age group and the young adult group, especially in the width, which was highly significant (P<0.01). The general histological features of the parathyroid gland consisted of densely packed chief cells (light and dark cells), oxyphil cells, and abundance of adipose cells in the adult male and female, but the adipose cells were absent in the young group. The right adrenal gland was positioned superior medial to the right kidney attached to the inferior medial surface of the liver, while the left adrenal gland was superior medially positioned within fat from the left kidney. There was sexual dimorphism in the weight and thickness of the adrenal gland of the female in the juvenile age group. Histologically, the adrenal cortex comprised of three zones generally, but four zones were seen in the young adult groups named; Zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculate, zona intermedia, and zona reticularis. Chromaffin cells of the medulla were identified by potassium dichromate chromaffin reactions. The results showed age and morphometric correlations, sexual dimorphisms and cellular morphology of the endocrine were pertinent to enhance the understanding of how the animal adapts to its environment, as this will provide baseline information for future related researches
- ItemANATOMICAL STUDIES ON THYROID, PARATHYROID AND ADRENAL GLANDS OF THE AFRICAN GIANT RAT (Cricetomys gambianus Water House-1840)(2014-03) ENEMALI, FELIX UDAWNOJOAfrican giant rat is currently explored as a laboratory model for scientific research. In this present study, anatomical studies on the thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands of the African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus,water house 1840) was evaluated with twenty adult African giant rats of both sexes. The architecture of the glands (thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands) was studied by gross observations and light microscopy. The mean weight of the African giant rat (AGR) was 1058.45 + 45.46g. Gross studies of the thyroid gland of the AGR showed a bi-lobed organ located on the lateral surface of the trachea. The two lobes of the gland were joined together towards the superior poles by an isthmus. Result showed that the weight of the male thyroid glands was significantly higher than that of the female African giant rat (P<0.05). The length and the width of gland do not show sexual dimorphism. Tetraiodothyronine showed sexual dimorphism. Histological studies showed that the thyroid of the African giant rat consisted of follicles surrounded by follicular cells of various shapes suggesting different level of activity of the follicles. Colloids in the follicles were stained positive with periodic acid Schiff stain indicating that glycoprotein was present. Parafollicular cells were present in between the follicles of the glands. Gross anatomy and morphological studies of the parathyroid glands of the African giant rat revealed that parathyroid glands were two pairs situated in the lateral and a little inferior in position to the thyroid gland. Histological studies showed that, the parathyroid glands were richly supplied with blood and the chief cells were abundant and arranged in form of cords throughout the glands. The chief cells were positive when stained with periodic acid Schiff stain which showed that glycoprotein was present. Hormonal assay of parathyroid hormone does not show sexual dimorphism. Gross anatomy and morphological studies of adrenal glands of the African giant rat showed that the paired adrenal glands were located on the superior poles of viii both kidneys: left and right kidneys. Result showed that the weight of the female adrenal gland were significantly higher than that of the male adrenal glands. There were no significant differences between the length and width of the male and female glands. Histological studies showed that the adrenal glands were divided into two zones, the cortex and the medulla. The adrenal cortex was seen to be divided into three zones: zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata and zona reticularis. The Medulla contained the chromaffin cells. The gross, histological and histochemical studies of the thyroid, parathyroid and the adrenal glands of the African giant rat showed sexual dimorphisms and cellular morphology which could explain the biology of the rodent.
- ItemANTHROPOMETRIC AND REPRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF GIRLS AND WOMEN IN KUMANA CHIEFDOM, KAURU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF KADUNA STATE, NIGERIA(2016-10) TANKO, MurdakaGrowth after birth may be characterized by five stages of life, which include infancy, childhood, juvenile, adolescence and adulthood. Puberty is the process of change that occur in the body of girls, in which the body matures into adulthood. It is associated with the development of sexual characteristics as the most notable morphological changes. Menarche as a very important reproductive phenomenal changes in the life of a female was first introduced by Kish in 1910 and is defined as the first menstruation that occur in the female taking into account as the age of her puberty and maturation. Another important aspect in the reproductive life of the female that ends with some degree of suddenness is menopause. Anthropometric data are very important and have direct relationship with medical conditions of the individual. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the anthropometric and reproductive characteristics of girls and women in Kumana Chiefdom, Kauru Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The subjects for this study were girls and women that were not pregnant and both physically and mentally fit. The girls (n = 415) were randomly drawn from the nine secondary schools and the women (n = 623) were randomly drawn from villages in the eight districts of Kumana Chiefdom, Kauru Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The data of this study were obtained through questionnaire from the girls and the women, while the body composition, blood pressure, some demographic and anthropometric variables were obtained through measurements following the appropriate standard protocol. The result obtained showed that mean of the hip circumference for the women and girls were 92.94 ± 8.81 cm and 86.60 ± 7.30 cm respectively. The mean waist circumference for the women and girls were 80.59 ± 9.25 cm and 75.62 ± 4.20 cm respectively. The mean of the neck circumference of the women and girls were observed to be 31.43 ± 2.61 cm and 30.27 ± 1.92 cm respectively. The mean height of the women and girls were found to be 154.84 ± 6.12 cm and 151.33 ± 5.86 cm respectively. The mean of hand lengths of the women and girls were 17.91 ± 1.29 cm and 17.53 ± 0.92 cm respectively. The 2d-4d ratio of the women and girls are 0.94 ± 0.04 cm and 0.97 ± 0.06 cm respectively. The means of palm lengths of the women and girls were found to be 10.27 ± 0.74 cm and 10.02 ± 0.65 cm respectively. The means of foot lengths of the women and girls were seen to be 23.35 ± 1.37 cm and 22.88 ± 1.45 cm respectively. The means of forearm lengths of the women and girls were found to be 24.83 ± 1.44 cm and 22.94 ± 1.05 cm respectively. The means of bone mass of the women and girls were viii 2.02 ± 0.02 cm and 2.16 ± 0.16 cm respectively. The mean values of muscle mass of the women and girls are 38.33 ± 5.91 m2 and 39.86 ± 2.37 m2 respectively. The means of total body water percentage of the women and girls were 53.21 ± 8.65 % and 51.05 ± 5.00 % respectively. The mean values of the body mass index of the women and girls are 23.73 ± 3.71 kg/m2 and 19.77 ± 2.79 kg/m2 respectively. The mean values of the systolic blood pressure of the women and girls were 127.86 ± 19.06 and 117.95 ± 11.16 respectively. The mean values of the diastolic blood pressure of the women and girls were 81.02 ± 11.12 and 70.76 ± 9.54 respectively. The means of weight of the women and girls were 57.06 ± 9.35 kg and 45.43 ± 7.83 kg respectively. The mean menarcheal age of the women was found to be 15.58 ± 1.57 years and the mean menopausal age of the women was observed to be 47.17 ± 5.06 years. The menarcheal age of girls whose parents had attended tertiary education was observed to be lower than for the girls whose parents had attended only primary education. The menopausal age of the women was higher for the women with tertiary education, first order of birth and house wives. Girls born in the rainy season had higher menarcheal age than those born in the dry season, while women born in the rainy season were observed to have lower menarcheal age higher menopausal age was observed in women born in the rainy season than those born in the dry season, while the number of children born by a women did not have any effect on the woman’s menopausal age. Women who had tertiary education and those born in the rainy season were seen to have higher menopausal age. Left-handed girls and women were observed to have higher menarcheal age than the right-handed. The result of this study showed that, higher percentage of the women were premenopausal, only 10.11% were menopausal. Many of the women were observed not to have ever had miscarriage, few of them reported to experience menstrual pain and only 24.4% of them reported not to be menstruating, indicating that many of them have the ability to become pregnant. It was observed that the women had good perception to menopause and knowledge of menopause by these women was obtained more through teachings in the church. There was positive relationship height and hand length, palm length, forearm length, foot length, menarche and the correlation were statistically significant at p = 0.05, but the correlation between height and little finger was observed not to be statistically significant. The correlation of age at first menses with height and hand circumference were statistically significant at p < 0.01, and statistically significant with weight at p < 0.05. The correlation between menopause and age at marriage, age at first pregnancy, at first birth, at last birth were statistically significant at p < 0.01, with age at first menses statistically significant at p < 0.05. ix The correlation between menopause and body mass index, weight, hip circumference, digit ratio, waist circumference, neck circumference, birth order were statistically significant at p < 0.05 but with hand circumference, statistically significant at p < 0.01). The correlation between body mass index (BMI) and body circumferences was positive and significant at p < 0.05, strong positive was seen with neck and arm circumferences. It was observed that, height could only be estimated using weight and body mass index. In conclusion, it was found that the reproductive characteristics of girls and women in this study population correlated with most of the anthropometric measurements. The menarcheal and menopausal ages of the subjects were within the normal values, which indicated that the socio-economic level in this region was not below standard.
- ItemANTHROPOMETRIC AND REPRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF GIRLS AND WOMEN IN KUMANA CHIEFDOM, KAURU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF KADUNA STATE, NIGERIA(2016-10) TANKO, MurdakaiGrowth after birth may be characterized by five stages of life, which include infancy, childhood, juvenile, adolescence and adulthood. Puberty is the process of change that occur in the body of girls, in which the body matures into adulthood. It is associated with the development of sexual characteristics as the most notable morphological changes. Menarche as a very important reproductive phenomenal changes in the life of a female was first introduced by Kish in 1910 and is defined as the first menstruation that occur in the female taking into account as the age of her puberty and maturation. Another important aspect in the reproductive life of the female that ends with some degree of suddenness is menopause. Anthropometric data are very important and have direct relationship with medical conditions of the individual. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the anthropometric and reproductive characteristics of girls and women in Kumana Chiefdom, Kauru Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The subjects for this study were girls and women that were not pregnant and both physically and mentally fit. The girls (n = 415) were randomly drawn from the nine secondary schools and the women (n = 623) were randomly drawn from villages in the eight districts of Kumana Chiefdom, Kauru Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The data of this study were obtained through questionnaire from the girls and the women, while the body composition, blood pressure, some demographic and anthropometric variables were obtained through measurements following the appropriate standard protocol. The result obtained showed that mean of the hip circumference for the women and girls were 92.94 ± 8.81 cm and 86.60 ± 7.30 cm respectively. The mean waist circumference for the women and girls were 80.59 ± 9.25 cm and 75.62 ± 4.20 cm respectively. The mean of the neck circumference of the women and girls were observed to be 31.43 ± 2.61 cm and 30.27 ± 1.92 cm respectively. The mean height of the women and girls were found to be 154.84 ± 6.12 cm and 151.33 ± 5.86 cm respectively. The mean of hand lengths of the women and girls were 17.91 ± 1.29 cm and 17.53 ± 0.92 cm respectively. The 2d-4d ratio of the women and girls are 0.94 ± 0.04 cm and 0.97 ± 0.06 cm respectively. The means of palm lengths of the women and girls were found to be 10.27 ± 0.74 cm and 10.02 ± 0.65 cm respectively. The means of foot lengths of the women and girls were seen to be 23.35 ± 1.37 cm and 22.88 ± 1.45 cm respectively. The means of forearm lengths of the women and girls were found to be 24.83 ± 1.44 cm and 22.94 ± 1.05 cm respectively. The means of bone mass of the women and girls were 2.02 ± 0.02 cm and 2.16 ± 0.16 cm respectively. The mean values of muscle mass of the women and girls are 38.33 ± 5.91 m2 and 39.86 ± 2.37 m2 respectively. The means of total body water percentage of the women and girls were 53.21 ± 8.65 % and 51.05 ± 5.00 % respectively. The mean values of the body mass index of the women and girls are 23.73 ± 3.71 kg/m2 and 19.77 ± 2.79 kg/m2 respectively. The mean values of the systolic blood pressure of the women and girls were 127.86 ± 19.06 and 117.95 ± 11.16 respectively. The mean values of the diastolic blood pressure of the women and girls were 81.02 ± 11.12 and 70.76 ± 9.54 respectively. The means of weight of the women and girls were 57.06 ± 9.35 kg and 45.43 ± 7.83 kg respectively. The mean menarcheal age of the women was found to be 15.58 ± 1.57 years and the mean menopausal age of the women was observed to be 47.17 ± 5.06 years. The menarcheal age of girls whose parents had attended tertiary education was observed to be lower than for the girls whose parents had attended only primary education. The menopausal age of the women was higher for the women with tertiary education, first order of birth and house wives. Girls born in the rainy season had higher menarcheal age than those born in the dry season, while women born in the rainy season were observed to have lower menarcheal age higher menopausal age was observed in women born in the rainy season than those born in the dry season, while the number of children born by a women did not have any effect on the woman’s menopausal age. Women who had tertiary education and those born in the rainy season were seen to have higher menopausal age. Left-handed girls and women were observed to have higher menarcheal age than the right-handed. The result of this study showed that, higher percentage of the women were premenopausal, only 10.11% were menopausal. Many of the women were observed not to have ever had miscarriage, few of them reported to experience menstrual pain and only 24.4% of them reported not to be menstruating, indicating that many of them have the ability to become pregnant. It was observed that the women had good perception to menopause and knowledge of menopause by these women was obtained more through teachings in the church. There was positive relationship height and hand length, palm length, forearm length, foot length, menarche and the correlation were statistically significant at p = 0.05, but the correlation between height and little finger was observed not to be statistically significant. The correlation of age at first menses with height and hand circumference were statistically significant at p < 0.01, and statistically significant with weight at p < 0.05. The correlation between menopause and age at marriage, age at first pregnancy, at first birth, at last birth were statistically significant at p < 0.01, with age at first menses statistically significant at p < 0.05. The correlation between menopause and body mass index, weight, hip circumference, digit ratio, waist circumference, neck circumference, birth order were statistically significant at p < 0.05 but with hand circumference, statistically significant at p < 0.01). The correlation between body mass index (BMI) and body circumferences was positive and significant at p < 0.05, strong positive was seen with neck and arm circumferences. It was observed that, height could only be estimated using weight and body mass index. In conclusion, it was found that the reproductive characteristics of girls and women in this study population correlated with most of the anthropometric measurements. The menarcheal and menopausal ages of the subjects were within the normal values, which indicated that the socio-economic level in this region was not below standard.
- ItemANTHROPOMETRY, BODY COMPOSITION AND REPRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF WOMEN FROM KADUNA AND RIVERS STATES, NIGERIA(2014-11) VICTOR, PROGRESS DAKUROThe relationship between anthropometry, body composition and reproductive characteristics in women has been a subject of interest currently for biological anthropologists. The study investigates the relationship between anthropometry, body composition and menstrual characteristics of women from Kaduna and Rivers State of Nigeria. Participants were non pregnant women randomly selected from four (4) tertiary schools: Kaduna (n=387) and Rivers (n=401). Data was analysed using Sigma Stat version. Data obtained showed that limb circumferences of Kaduna females are significantly higher than Rivers females (p<0.05) except for the thigh circumference. While, weight, height, iliac and tricep skinfold of Rivers state women was significantly higher than Kaduna females (p<0.05). Muscle mass, percentage body fat, basal metabolic rate and metabolic age of Rivers women was significantly higher than that of their Kaduna counterparts at a significant level of p< 0.05. This study showed the incidence of underweight, normal weight, overweight and obesity as (38) 9.8%, (249) 64.3%, (78) 20.2%, and (22) 5.7% respectively for women from Kaduna; (40) 10%, (253) 63.1%, (80) 20% and (28) 7.0% respectively for women from Rivers. Results also showed that age had a significant association with BMI (River: χ2=38.585, p=0.000; Kaduna: χ2=19.323, p=0.023). This study also demonstrates that the frequency of underweight and normal weight women from Rivers and Kaduna decreases beyond 20 to 23 years, while obesity was maximum within 24-26 years for both states, overweight was maximum within 23-26 years. Waist circumference (WC) showed the strongest significant (p < 0.05) partial correlation with BMI and PBF (0.83 and 0.83, respectively). Hip circumference (HC) was also found to be significantly correlated with BMI (r = 0.72; p < 0.001) and PBF (r = 0.86; p < 0.001). This study showed that body weight, BMI, biceps and iliac skinfold correlated positive with all body composition parameters except for total body water and physique rating which showed negative correlation. The study showed that the mean age at menarche was higher in Rivers women than Kaduna women, but no significant difference. The minimum and maximum menarcheal age for this study was ten (10) and nineteen (19) years respectively. Results showed that, 311 (80.4%) of Kaduna females and 288 (71.8%) of Rivers females experienced regular menstrual cycle; 245 (63.3%) of Kaduna females and 324 (80.8%) of Rivers females experienced a menstrual flow duration of four to six xx days. Study participants experienced at least one PMS (Kaduna: 387; 100%; Rivers: 366; 91.3%) and SDM (Kaduna: 367; 95.1%; Rivers 397; 99%); comparison of PMS and SDM between subjects from the two states showed significant difference (χ2= 35.348, p=0.000 and χ2= 10.637 and p=0.001, respectively). This study showed the incidence of minimal, mild, moderate, and severe depression as 257 (66.4 %), 76 (19.6 %), 39 (10.1 %), 15 (3.9 %) respectively for women from Kaduna; 270 (67.3 %), 86 (21.4 %), 35 (8.7 %), 10 (2.5 %) respectively. Generally, Rivers women presented higher anthropometric variables and body composition but a lower arm, forearm, and calf circumference than their counterparts from Kaduna state. In Kaduna women, weight can be used to predict all body composition parameters except bone mass, BMI can be used to predict all body composition parameters except bone mass and physique rating, sum of skinfold can also be used to predict body composition parameters except for bone mass, muscle mass and Basal metabolic rate (BMR). In Rivers women, weight can be used to predict body composition parameters, BMI can also be used to predict body composition parameters except for total body water, sum of skinfold can also be used to predict body composition parameters except for bone mass. In women from Kaduna, there was significant association between calf, chest and waist circumference with DS. Percentage body fat also showed association with DS. In Rivers women, there was no significant association between anthropometric parameters and body composition parameters with DS.
- ItemANTIBIOFILM EFFECTS OF PARTIALLY PURIFIED FRACTION OF ETHYLACETATE EXTRACT OF ACALYPHA WILKESIANA LEAVES ON CLINICAL ISOLATES OF CANDIDA ALBICANS I, II AND CANDIDA PARAPSILOSIS(2021) MAIMUNA ZUBAIRU,Candida infection is the most common hospital-acquired infection caused by fungal pathogen which is frequently involved in biofilm growth, exhibiting to increased resistance to antifungal drugs. This research is aimed at evaluating the biofilm eradication activity of purified fraction of ethylacetate extract of Acalypha wilkesiana leaves on biofilms of C. albicans I, II and C. parapsilosis. Column Chromatography-TLC was used to fractionate and partially purify the extract using a bioassay guided fractionation. The most potent fraction was partially purified using preparative TLC. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) , and median inhibitory concentration (IC50) were carried out using micro dilution method. Fungicidal activity (MFC) of the purified fraction was determined by agar well diffusion method. Adhered cells penetrability of the extracts was carried out by forming adhered cells on membrane polycarbonate filters, and determining the concentration of the antifungals that penetrated the adhered cells with time. Median adhered cells (AdEC50) and median biofilm eradication concentration (BEC50) were determined by microdilution method. Antibiofilm activity of the purified fraction on the morphology of the sessile cells of Candida spp was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. The mode of action was predicted by the use of sorbitol and ergosterol to evaluate their effect on the IC50 of the antifungal and comparing it with the IC50 of caspofungin and Amphotericin B which are standard antifungals with known mode of actions. The result revealed that ethylacetate extract was the most potent with antifungal activities compared to n-hexane, methanol and aqueous extracts of A. wilkesiana leaves. The purified fraction of the ethylacetate extract had MIC of 1.25mg/ml on C. albicans I, II and C. parapsilosis, respectively. MFC of 2.5mg/ml on C. albicans I and II but had no fungicidal activity on C. parapsilosis. The partially purified fraction had minimum values of IC50 and BEC50 compared to other fractions. There was reduction in clusters formed by proliferation of the sessile cells on the morphology of C. albicans I, II and C. parapsilosis in all treated plates compared to the control. There was increase in the IC50 of the purified fraction and caspofungin in the presence of sorbitol. In conclusion, the partially purified fraction of ethylacetate extract had antibiofilm activity against the three strains of Candida used. Increased in IC50 of the purified fraction and caspofungin implicated the fungal cell wall as the possible target of the partially purified fraction of ethylacetate extract of A. wilkesiana leaves
- ItemANTIDEPRESSANT STUDY ON METHANOL LEAF EXTRACT OF ZIZIPHUS MAURITIANA LAM IN SWISS ALBINO MICE(2019-05) KABIR, Maimunatu MuhammadThe leaves ofZiziphus mauritiana have been reported to be used in the management of depressive illnesses in traditional medicine. The antidepressant activity of the methanol leaf extract of the plant was evaluated using tail suspension test (TST) and forced swim test (FST) at the doses of 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg.Imipramine (20mg/kg) was used as standard antidepressant drug.The effect of the extract on recognition memory, motor coordination, and exploration was evaluated using novel object recognition test (NORT), beam walking assay test (BWAT) and open field test (OFT) respectively. In order to establish the involvement of inflammatory system in the antidepressant activity of the extract using Bacillus Calmette-Guérin(BCG) induced depressive like behaviour modelthrough chronic activation of the immune system in the chronic study, mice were inoculated with BCG (0.2 mg/kg, i.p) and later treated with the graded doses of the extract for 21 days. Body weight was measured 4 days before the inoculation and on daily based after, while the body temperature was recorded hourly. Exploration, immobility time and sucrose consumption were all assessed using open field test, tail suspension test and sucrose preference test respectively.Data wererepresented as± SEM and analyzed using one-way (treatment) or two-way (treatment × time) analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Bonferroni post hoc test whereP< 0.05 was considered significant .The results showed a statistical significant ( p < 0.001) decrease in duration of immobility, significant (p < 0.001) increase in sucrose consumption,significant (p < 0.001) decrease in body temperature,significant (p < 0.001) increase in body weight in the extract treated groups when compared with the BCG + distilled water. The LD50 of the extract was >5000 mg/kg and phytochemical screening revealed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, cardiac glycoside, and saponins. It was concluded that the methanol leaf extract of Ziziphus mauritiana possesses antidepressant activity, it also attenuated anhedonia, reversed body weight loss and produced antipyretic effect induced by BCG induced depressive like behaviour
- ItemANTIDEPRESSANT STUDY ON METHANOL LEAF EXTRACT OF ZIZIPHUS MAURITIANA LAM IN SWISS ALBINO MICE(2019-05) KABIR, Maimunatu MuhammadThe leaves ofZiziphus mauritiana have been reported to be used in the management of depressive illnesses in traditional medicine. The antidepressant activity of the methanol leaf extract of the plant was evaluated using tail suspension test (TST) and forced swim test (FST) at the doses of 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg.Imipramine (20mg/kg) was used as standard antidepressant drug.The effect of the extract on recognition memory, motor coordination, and exploration was evaluated using novel object recognition test (NORT), beam walking assay test (BWAT) and open field test (OFT) respectively. In order to establish the involvement of inflammatory system in the antidepressant activity of the extract using Bacillus Calmette-Guérin(BCG) induced depressive like behaviour modelthrough chronic activation of the immune system in the chronic study, mice were inoculated with BCG (0.2 mg/kg, i.p) and later treated with the graded doses of the extract for 21 days. Body weight was measured 4 days before the inoculation and on daily based after, while the body temperature was recorded hourly. Exploration, immobility time and sucrose consumption were all assessed using open field test, tail suspension test and sucrose preference test respectively.Data wererepresented as± SEM and analyzed using one-way (treatment) or two-way (treatment × time) analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Bonferroni post hoc test whereP< 0.05 was considered significant .The results showed a statistical significant ( p < 0.001) decrease in duration of immobility, significant (p < 0.001) increase in sucrose consumption,significant (p < 0.001) decrease in body temperature,significant (p < 0.001) increase in body weight in the extract treated groups when compared with the BCG + distilled water. The LD50 of the extract was >5000 mg/kg and phytochemical screening revealed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, cardiac glycoside, and saponins. It was concluded that the methanol leaf extract of Ziziphus mauritiana possesses antidepressant activity, it also attenuated anhedonia, reversed body weight loss and produced antipyretic effect induced by BCG induced depressive like behaviour.
- ItemANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE OF ESCHERICHIA COLI IN POULTRY, KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE ABOUT ANTIMICROBIAL USE BY POULTRY VENDORS IN YOLA(2014-02) MELTON, MUSA SUNDU (DVM)Escherichia coli is one of the most important food borne microorganisms that cause disease in animals and humans worldwide. Not all strains cause disease, but they are useful for testing of contamination of food and water and have been adopted as indicator organism for antimicrobial drug resistance among commensal gram-negative organisms. Antimicrobial drug resistance is associated with inappropriate use of veterinary antimicrobials in food animals especially in poultry production. LBM is a place located in markets in urban settlements where birds are housed and sold to the public. Poultry vendors try to keep their birds healthy through the use of antimicrobials. Hence, the need to study the resistance in E. coli isolated from these birds. Apparently healthy local chickens sold for food at live bird markets in Yola North and Yola South LGAs were examined for E. coli and their resistance to eight important antimicrobials. E. coli (n= 56) were isolated using Eosine Methylene Blue (EMB) and identified with conventional biochemical tests. Microbact 12 E was used to confirm 49 of the 56 isolates to be E. coli. In addition, knowledge and practices of the poultry vendors in LBMs about antimicrobials use was assessed. The results were as follows: 95.8% of the poultry vendors in LBM had not attended any formal training on poultry production and health, and 79.2% did not keep records of drugs they use. Hygiene score for cages showed 79% of cages were mildly contaminated/ dusty, 54% of drugs they used were purchased from the open markets without prescription and 68% of poultry vendors used their experience to determine the dosage for treatment of their birds. Only 10.4% of vendors consulted a veterinarian for the health needs of their poultry; 56% of poultry vendors did not practice hand washing and 98% did not use protective clothing such as coveralls. All the 49 E. coli isolates were resistant to Ceftiofur (100%), Erythromycin (100%) and Sulfamethoxazole (100%). The Percent resistance to other drugs were as follows: Nalidixic acid (69.4%), Ciproflaxin (67.3%), Tetracycline (67.3%), Chloramphenicol (49%), and Gentamicin (34.7%). All the isolates were multi drug resistant showing 16 different patterns with each isolate being resistant to at least four drugs. The high prevalence of resistance among commensal E. coli in local chickens could be a significant source of resistance genes to other bacteria that share the same environment which could also be a source of direct contamination of poultry meat and LBM workers. Key Words: Antimicrobial Resistance, E. coli, Poultry and Live bird Market
- ItemASSESSEMENT OF PREVENTION OF MOTHER TO CHILD TRANSMISSION OF HIV AND EARLY INFANTS DIAGNOSIS IN ASOKORO DISTRICT HOSPITAL, ABUJA 2009-2010(2014-11) KWABE, CHRISTIANA SAMUELPrevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT ) of HIV still remains a useful tool of fight against the transmission of HIV virus from mother to child, and early infants diagnosis, confers substantial benefit to HIV infection and HIV infected infants, and also programmes providing prevention of mother to child transmission. The aim of the study is to find out the rate of perinatal transmission in infants born to HIV positive mother, as well as to study the effect of various predisposing factors of HIV transmission and to evaluate the utility of dried blood spot (DBS) for EID of HIV. Methodology: This study was designed to assess PMTCT and EID services in Asokoro District Hospital so as to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of this service or programme. The study design is a quantitative descriptive cross- sectioned study, involving the selection of 98 ANC clients, 185 EID clients and 53 respondents of health care providers. Check list, questionnaire and information from site coordinator were used to obtain information. Result: The findings were ART, drugs for PEP for EID, VCT, PMTCT and PCR were available and no user fee charged, supplies for test, plumpy Nuts, water guards, long lasting insecticide treated Net (LITN) and IPT for pregnant women at A.N.C were always available. But obstetric care is not free, infrastructure not adequate most especially for paediatric out patient department Of the 53 health care providers, 17%were doctors, 58.5 % were registered Nurse/midwives, and 3.8% were counselors while 18.9% were laboratory scientist/technician. The result indicated that 79.2% had knowledge that MTCT of HIV occurred during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding. Of the 53 service provider, those who had no any training in PMTCT were (58)% ,those who had training of about 2-5 were 17(32%) and those with more than 5 training were 5(9%). The perception of service providers of problems facing PMTCT services were shortage of man power 27( 20%) than followed by lack of training 22(17%). 67.9% believe PMTCT and EID are very important tools/ services for pregnant women and their infants. vii Of 98 (100%) of ANC respondents who return their questionnaire, 91(92.9%) were married, 5(5.1%) were single, 2(2%) were divorced. Based on their education, 53(53.8%) have tertiary education, 35(35.5%) had secondary education, 6(6.5%) had primary education while 4(4.1%) had none. For occupation 43(44.3%) were working class women, 84.7% were aware of HIV counseling and testing before coming to health facility and 81.2% got their information through the media. 93.3% of the ANC clients were willing to continue ANC in Asokoro district hospital, 88.7% were willing to refer their sisters and/ or friends to have ANC care in Asokoro district hospital, while 91.3% believes the health care providers were friendly. For EID services, out of 185 respondents 1.1% were tested at birth, 94.8% were tested at six weeks, while 4.0% were tested at 18 months. Infants who were tested and have positive DNA-PCR result were 13.1%, those with negative result were 85.1% while those with in-determed results were1.7%.95.6% of infants who were HIV positive were referred to pediatric HIV clinic for further care, 1.5% absconded and 2. 9 % were referred to another health care facility. Conclusion: PCR is very valuable in making diagnosis of HIV in exposed babies. This will help reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with late diagnosis and management, it will also help to study the various predisposing factors of HIV transmission and to evaluate the utility of dried blood spots specimen for EID of HIV. Infants born to HIV positive mothers tested by dried blood spot for PCR at birth to 18 months of age were 185. HIV prevalence of HIV expose infants in the heath facility is 13.1%. Recommendation: Health care facility needs more improvement in infrastructure and man power. Service providers need more training, motivation and also need feed-back from programme implementers and lastly Sero-discordant couples should have pre exposure prophylaxis.
- ItemASSESSING THE LINKAGE BETWEEN PREVENTION- OF- MOTHER-TO–CHILD-TRANSMISSION OF HIV AND ADULT ART SERVICES IN TWO NIGERIAN MILITARY HEALTH FACILITIES IN KADUNA STATE.(2014-12) CHESHI, LADIDI FATIMAKey words: HIV, PMTCT, Referral linkages, Nigerian, Military Introduction: HIV is one of the contributory factors to cause of death among women of reproductive age. Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV accounts for about 10% of all new infections. As a prevention strategy, PMTCT programme was designed to cater for HIV positive pregnant women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery and post partum periods to prevent the transmission of HIV infection from mother to child. Effective models of the PMTCT programme are designed to have strong referral linkages to the adult ART services, in order to achieve continuity of care for mother and child, following delivery. This linkage is to ensure that not only the children are born free of HIV but also the mothers live prolonged quality lives, with quality adult ART care. The study was conducted to determine the proportion of women accessing PMTCT who were referred to the adult ART clinic, the proportion of referred HIV positive mothers who reached and accessed ART services, identify the factors associated with PMTCT-ART service linkage and determine the rate of uptake of antiretroviral treatment by HIV positive women, when referred from the PMTCT clinic to adult ART clinic in the selected facilities between January, 2009 to December 2013. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in two military health facilities in Kaduna state. The facilities were selected using a multi stage sampling technique and the women were selected using systematic sampling technique, after which a review of their health records was conducted. These women were traced to their homes and a structured questionnaire was administered to 372 respondents comprising of those who were liked and those who were not linked to adult ART services to obtain information on why they were linked or not. The respondents were described xvi by socio-demographic characteristics. Three (3) sessions of focus group discussion as qualitative method among doctors, nurses and health records personnel working in the facility to identify the risk factors associated with non linkage to adult ART services were conducted. Results: A total of 372 women of reproductive age who assessed ANC and PMTCT services were selected from the two facilities. Mean age of women who were not linked to ART services was 30.9(± 4.9) while for those linked to ART services was 31.4(±4.6). Of the 5720 women who assessed ANC services, 574(10%) assessed PMTCT services in these facilities. Only 3.3% of the 151 eligible women had no indication of referral to ART. Similarly, only 4.1% of the eligible women with no indication of referral traced at ART clinic, which was further emphasized by the responses from the focus group discussion where clients not returning for their CD4 count results, stigmatization and non disclosure to partner as factors that militated against good linkages. While more than 53.2% of the eligible women already on ART were traced to the ART clinic. One hundred and fifty-three (153) which was 98.1% of the women were referred to adult care and support services. A proportion of about seven percent(7%) of ART eligible women missed the opportunity of accessing ART services due to the weak referral linkages in the facilities At bivariate and multivariate analysis level, referral status, CD4 eligibility were found to be statistically significant. Conclusion: The weak referral linkages found in these facilities was found to be associated with CD4 eligibility and referral status. Also the place of delivery of baby, poor ANC-PMTCT service integration, self stigmatization, non-disclosure to partner and security challenges were identified from the FGD as associated factors. Therefore, there is need to entrench effective service integration by involving all relevant staff and departments in the care and support of the PMTCT clients in These facilities.