Preprint and Postprint Journal Articles
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- ItemREINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN OF A PAIR OF BUNKERS FOR GRAINS(1978-06) AGIDAN1, SOLOMON UMORUThis thesis treats the design of a pair of bunkers, each having a capacity of 200 tons of maize, using the British code of practice CP 110 and the B.S. Cp 3 chapter five for loading (to compute wind load). As a guide to practical considerations some notes are given on such factors as filling and emptying procedures, minimum angle of hopper slope and so forth which should be of benefit to those who are meeting the subject for the first time, Elements of a bunker are classified in the same way as elements of other structures; they have been fully analysed and designs have been carried out accordingly. It should be emphasised that treatment of those things that make bunkers a peculiar kind of structure have been done but in no way exhaustive. Further research in future may reveal this, Acomparative cost analysis has been included for bunkers in steel and reinforced concrete to back up the choice of the use of reinforced concrete bunkers for small and medium sized installations. Conclusion and recommendations have been drawn and all authorities consulted have been acknowledged in the Bibliography and reference.
- ItemAVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION RESOURCES IN SHARI'AH COURT LIBRARIES IN THE NORTHERN STATES OF NIGERIA(Centre for Islamic Legal Studies Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1993) ALIYU, ABUBAKARThis study is based on investigation into the availability and utilization of information resources and services among the staff in shari'ah court libraries in the Northern states of Nigeria, It used survey research method and questionnaires, interviews and observation as research instruments to collect data. At the end it was discovered that most of the libraries investigated depended on purchase as means of acquiring information resources. This consequently, impact on the information resource development in the libraries. Provision of adequate mid relevant information resources is vital in the speedy dispensation of justice. Moreover adequate resources could improve information provision in the courts
- ItemAN APPRAISAL OF THE DIPLOMA IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE PROGRAM OF THE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AHMADU BELLO UNIVERSITY ZARIA(1993) DAUDU, H.MThis r e s e a r c h a r t i c l e - s t a t e s the objectives of the Diploma in Library Science- Programme of the . Institute of Education, Ahmadu Belle U n i v e r s i t y , Saria; describes the programme including' the enrolment p a t t e r n ; evaluates the programme and i d e n t i f i e s the. problems facing the programme. Suggested s o l u t i o n s to the problems are also given.
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- ItemA COMPARATIVE STUDY OF INDEXES OF BOOK PUBLISHED IN NIGERIA IN THE HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCE AND SCIENCES(ZARIA JOURNAL OF LIBRARIANSHIP, 1994) DAUDU, H.MGood book indexes are' very essential for information retrieval from books, on this fact, this research was embarked upon to evaluate book indexes published in Nigeria. A random sampling 6f4.-three hundred and twenty two (322) books was made from farmanities, Social Sciences and the Sciences. Eighty fivE (85) were found with indexes. Based on these 85 books' the study revealed that there was no significant difference among the number of books with indexes' in humanities, social science and the. sciences. Also, there was no significant diff^eh-ce between the number of books. with indexes in the humanities and social sciences between social science and the, sciences and between humanities and sciences.
- ItemA CITATION ANALYSIS OF ENGINEERING LITERATURE CITED BY POST GRADUATE STUDENTS OF A.B.U ZARIA(1995) Ibrahim, UmarThis study applied citation analysis to the literature of Engineering with the sole aim of determining the core of journals used by Post-graduate Engineering students of A.B.U., Zaria. The sample of the study consists of sixty (60) theses representing 90% of the total number of theses produced between 1985 to 1990. The Bradford law was applied to give a core of the literature cited. The study revealed a total of 2,270 citations with journals receiving the highest citation of 927 (40.4%) Six periodical titles were identified as core with a total of 203 (21.907.) citation. The study also revealed that the small core of journal emanate from one single body-American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The study confirmed Waldhart— (1973) revelation that Engineers with academic affiliation cite a significantly higher proportion of journals while Engineers with, non-academic affiliation are more of technical report.
- ItemGENOTYPE x ENVIRONMENT IN SORGHUM {Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) TRIAL(1995-09) ABA, D.A.; SHOWEMIMO, F.A.; YEYE, M.The results obtained from four locations for three year testing of seven lines (genotypes) were used to estimate genotype x year, genotype x location and genotype x year x location interactions for sorghum yield trials. The three main effects (years, locations and genotypes) and their interactions were highly significant (P = 0.01), thus indicating differential genotype response to the environments used. The variance components were relatively small with the second order interaction variance component larger than the first order types involving genotypes. Environmental variance was larger than the interaction variances. Computation of theoretical standard error for cultivar (genotype) means suggest that four replications, six locations and two years is an ideal testing procedure for sorghum in term of cost and time
- ItemVarietal resistance of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench to Sporiosorium sorghi Link in Nigeria(1996) Marleyt, P. S.; Aba, D. A.Sorghum genotypes were screened for resistance to Sporiosorium sorghi in the screenhouse and in the field. Scrccnhousc trials showed ICSV 2 and 1CSV 1049 to have considerable resistance while ICSV 1002 was completely immune. Field trials in 1994 and 1995 confirmed them to be resistant.
- ItemTHE CONTRIBUTION OF LIBRARIES TOWARDS MASS LITERACY FOR ALL NIGERIANS(ZARIA JOURNAL OF LIBRARIANSHIP, 1998) DAUDU, H.MThe desire for mass literacy, suggest the existence of illiteracy in (he society. Once a society becomes conscious of it's educational gap, it usually tries to fill this gap in the shortest possible time and always in the most inexpensive way(s). The paper suggests short: and inexpensive ways of fighting illiteracy in Nigeria. Nigeria's contacts with the outside world and the effects of rapid social changes upon her over the years seem to have helped to make her realize her education gap. The paper, further, examines what Nigeria is currently doing having realized her educational shortfalls, and suggests ways of bridging the educational gap.
- ItemQUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF CURRENT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PRODUCTIVITY IN I.A.R. AND N.A.P.R.I., ZARIA. NIGERIA.(1998) Ibrahim, UmarThe paper discusses research out-put as a live-wire to scientific and research institutions. It measures and correlates research contributions of scientists in Institute for Agricultural Research, Samaru, (I.A.R) and National Animal Production Research Institute, Shika, (N.A.P.R.I), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Fisher's T-test statistical techniques was employed to test the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the frequency of publication of scientists in I.A.R. and N.A.P.R.I. The paper concludes that I.A.R. and N.A.P.R.I. have made remarkable impact not only in the agricultural sector but also in the economy in general. Also, despite the fact that N.A.P.R.I. was carved out of I.A.R., there is no significant difference between the productivity of researchers in the two institutes.
- ItemManaging individual and organisational information needs in special libraries: the case of the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria Technical Library.(1998-08) Ibrahim, UmarIn view of the information explosion and the complex information needs of management and individual within an organisation, libraries/information centres have a great role to play not only in identifying, selecting and disseminating those information that will be useful to management and individual but also in managing the information effectively. This paper, therefore propose to the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT) Zaria technical library, the use of management information (MI) as management techniques not only to ensure that the library is meeting the college objectives but also to create conditions, like research/working teams, strengthening informal communication and collaboration, that will nurture creativity.
- ItemCurrent Status of Sorghum Smuts in Nigeria(1999) PaulS, S. Marley; Daniel, A. AbaSurvey of farmers' fields in major sorghum growing areas within the four climatic zones of the Nigerian savanna established changing patterns in the incidence, severity and distribution of sorghum smuts. Covered smut (Sponsorium sorghi) although widely distributed, was found to be highly predominant in the Sudan (24.8%) and northern Guinea (29.5%) savanna. Loose smuts (Sphacehiheco cruenta) and long smuts (Tolxposporium ehrenbergii) were most prevalent in the Sahel savanna (21.8% and 15.5%, respectively). Head smut (Sporisorhtm reliamtm) was absent in the Sahel and Sudan, low in northern Guinea savanna zones, but was most predominant in the southern Guinea savanna. These smuts are economically important and continue to be a major biotic constraint in the effort to sustain high sorghum production levels.
- ItemBiochemical Evaluation of Ten Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Cultivars Compared to Wheat for Baking Characterise,s(2000) Abu, A. I.; Aba, D.A.; Chindo, P.S.; Anigo, K.M.; Maigida, D.N.
- ItemTHE SCHOOL MEDIA RESOURCE CENTER AND THE MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES(2000) DAUDU, H.MThe writer maintains that the modern use of the term library, has been broadened to,' include Media Resource Center; then the enumerates some functions of the media center and shows how stakeholders of the school system may benefit from the media center. Furthermore, the writer gives a rundown of some-basic requirements for the establishment of school libraries which include personnel, selection, acquisition, processing and utilization of material.-The paper points out- that professionals are indispensable for the establishment and. equipping of a school Library. Finally, the paper discusses the role of school library in the management of educational resources.
- ItemLIBRARY AUTOMATION: A LOOK AT THE X-L1B LIBRARY SOFTWARE(2000) Ibrahim, UmarThe paper provides an in-depth discussion on the various component parts and operating procedures of X-LIB Library Automation System. It concludes that the software is very elaborate, flexible and easy to use in networking. Because of these, the paper recommends it for application in Nigerian Libraries.
- ItemTHE IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT(2000-12) DAUDU, H.MIn order to emphasize the importance of the school library in a teaching and learning environment, the writer has taken pains to redefine the concept of a school library and stated factors which have necessitated such a redefinition. Then she outlines some objectives of school library. She has also pointed out the need for adequate provision of • learning materials in the library. Emphasis has also been put on the indispensable role of the teacher in helping to shape healthy attitudes in the students on the use of the sources of information that may be available in the library.
- ItemTHE IMPACT OF DIGITAL LIBRARIES IN INFORMATION DISSEMINATION(LIBRARY AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FORUM, 2001) Obi, Rose GliomaDigital libraries are organizations that employ and display a variety of digital resources and internet opportunity that are of paramount importance in information assemblage and dissemination. This paper is a frantic attempt aimed at looking at the impact of Digital Libraries in information packages and dissemination. The paper identifies the advantages which include elimination of physical boundary, all time economy, multiple access information retrieval, preservation and conservation, space added value. It also discusses the challenges of digital libraries in information Technology. The future of digital library is highlighted and the paper concludes that digital libraries will enhance quality research work and improve the national economic, cultural and educational development.
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