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- ItemASSESSMENT OF UTILIZATION AND SATISFACTION WITH PRIMARY HEALTHCARE SERVICES AMONG WOMEN OF CHILDBEARING AGE IN PLATEAU STATE, NIGERIA(2023-06)Primary healthcare service in Nigeria isbeen distributed to the grassroots level in order to provide a door step access to healthcare services for individuals and families living within the rural areas of the country. Primary healthcare facilities and trained human resources are made available by the government for every local government area to serve as the first level of contact between the people and the healthcare system and to provide integrated healthcare services for health promotion in Nigeria. Utilisation of healthcare services and being satisfied with the services rendered will contribute greatly to addressing most of our existing health challenges. Hence, the purpose of this study was to assess utilization and satisfaction with primary healthcare services among women of childbearing age in Plateau State, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose a descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for this study consist of 321,506 of women of childbearing age in Plateau State. A sample of 420 women of childbearing age was used for the study. This was achieved through a multi-stage sampling procedure which comprised of stratified, simple random, systematic, purposive and proportionate sampling techniques. A researcher‘ developed questionnaire was used for data collection. Out of the 420 copies of the questionnaire distributed in the field 409 (97.4%) were retrieved and considered valid for analyses. Descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages were used to describe the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Mean and standard deviations were used to answer the research questions. Inferential statistics of one-sample t-test was used to test formulated hypotheses1, on utilisation of primary healthcare units by women of childbearing (WCBA) age in Plateau State.2, on satisfaction with primary healthcare services among WCBA in plateau state and 3, on the types of primary healthcare services rendered to WCBA in Plateau State Primary Healthcare Units while Pearson Product Moment Correlation were used to test the formulated hypotheses 4, on the relationship between utilisation and satisfaction with PHC services among WCBA in Plateau State, Nigeria.The results of the study revealed that, utilization of healthcare services provided by Primary Health Care units for women of childbearing age in Plateau State, Nigeria is significant (p = 0.000). Satisfaction with primary healthcare services among women of childbearing age in Plateau State, Nigeria is significant (p = 0.000). Healthcare services provided by Primary Health Care centres for women of childbearing age in Plateau State, Nigeria are significant (p = 0.000). There is a significant relationship between utilization and satisfaction of primary healthcare services among women of childbearing age in Plateau State, Nigeria (p = 0.000). It was therefore concluded that women of childbearing age in Plateau state utilize health care services provided by Primary Health Care Centres. That women of child bearing age in Plateau State are satisfied with healthcare services rendered at the primary health centres. Based on the following conclusions, it was recommended thathealth educators should intensify their enlightenment/education campaigns on Maternal and child care so as to encourage women of child bearing age in the state to sustain the existing utilization of health care services provided by primary health care centres in the state, all the Hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.
- ItemANALYTICAL STUDY OF SOME CASES OF INHERITANCE DISTRIBUTION IN MALIKI AND OTHER SCHOOLS OF LAW(2024-12)This study, titled “Analytical Study of Some Cases of Inheritance Distribution in Maliki and Other Schools of Law”, explores the divergent opinions between Maliki School of law and otherSchools of law (Hanafi, Shafi'i, and Hanbali) in some casesof inheritance.The research was motivated due to the fact that Inheritance distribution among the contemporary Muslims poses significant challenges, particularly in a country like Nigeria where a specific Sunni School of law is dominant. Many Muslims struggle to understand these issues, which lead to misunderstandings and arguments about inheritance rights. These issues include a case where a grandfather inherits alongside the siblings of the deceased, Dhawil Arham in the absence of a public treasury (Bai-al-mal), the status of children born out of wedlock, and a situation where a man divorces his wife while in death sickness. Furthermore, contemporary issues such as the inheritance rights of Test-tube babies and individuals with atheistic or pantheistic beliefs create additional obstacles for the contemporary Muslims. This indicates that there is a pressing need for solutions to foster awareness, understanding, and harmony in inheritance matters within Muslim communities.The objectives of the research include: to analyse the differences between the Maliki School and others (Hanfi, Shafi'i and Hanbali Schools of law), regarding the inheritance rights of grandfather alongside siblings of the deceased, Dhawil Arham (distant kindred/uterine relatives), children born out of wedlock and the aforementioned contemporary cases(such as the inheritance rights of test-tube babies and Muslims with atheistic or pantheistic dotrine). The methodology employed wascomparative content analysis approach, which effectively identifies and compares common and differing themes in textual data.The major findings revealed that grandfather can inherit alongside with siblings of the deceased, Dhawil Arham are more entitled to inherit the estate left behind by the deceased in the absence of sharers or agnatic heirs, rather than taking it to the public treasury (Bait-al-Mal),Test-tube baby conceived within a valid marriage without the involvement of a third-party has the same inheritance rights as any other child of the parents. The study recommended that, inheritance distributors should adhere to the views of the majority of the Schools of lawwho permitted inheritance between a grandfather and siblings ofthe deceased, there isneed to transfer the estate left behind by the deceased to Dhawil Arham in the absence of sharers and agnatic heirs, than taking it to bait-al-mal (public treasury), there is also need for the Muslims parcularly the Schoars to give awareness to those couples having infertility challenges to avoid involvement of the third party in the process of having a Test-tube baby,there is also need for the Muslims of the contemporary period to have a unified "Muslim Code of Inheritance Law" that reconciles the diverseopinions of the four most famous Sunni Schools of law(Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali)to incorporate the most relevant opinions from these Schools of law to form a unified and suitableinheritance law for the Muslims of their country.By identifying the key areas of differences and commonalities to develop a comprehensive and inclusive code of inheritance law. Summary and conclusion were also made.
- ItemSTAKEHOLDERS’ CONSIDERATION ON SCHOOL PLANT PLANNING IN PUBLIC SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NORTH-WEST ZONE, NIGERIA(2023-01)This research titled “Stakeholders‟ Consideration on School Plant Planning in Public Senior Secondary Schools in North-West Zone, Nigeria” aimed at achieving these objectives among others: determine stakeholders‟ consideration on administrative facilities planning in public senior secondary schools in North-west Zone, Nigeria; examine stakeholders‟ consideration on facilities for convenience planning in public senior secondary schools in North-west Zone, Nigeria; evaluate stakeholders‟ consideration on playgrounds planning in public senior secondary schools in North-west Zone, Nigeria; assess stakeholders‟ consideration on instructional facilities planning in public senior secondary schools in North-west Zone, Nigeria; stakeholders‟ consideration on instructional facilities planning in public senior secondary schools in North-west Zone, Nigeria; stakeholders‟ consideration on health/welfare facilities planning in public senior secondary schools in North-west Zone, Nigeria; stakeholders‟ consideration on library facilities planning in public senior secondary schools in North-west Zone, Nigeria; and stakeholders‟ consideration on school site planning in public senior secondary schools in North-west Zone, Nigeria. Research questions and hypotheses were set according to the stated objectives. A descriptive survey research design was adopted to collect data from the respondents. The total aggregate population for the study was 34,038 while the total sample size was 381. The instrument used for the collection of data was questionnaire. The instrument was validated by experts in educational administration and planning and Supervisors of this research work. Stratified sampling technique was employed for this study. The data were analyzed and interpreted through the use of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Out of the seven hypotheses tested, four were rejected while three were retained. The findings of the study revealed that stakeholders considered that administrative facilities planning in public senior secondary schools in North- West Zone, Nigeria were not appropriately planned. This was supported by the aggregate mean of 2.8 on table 4, facilities for convenience in public senior secondary schools in North-West Zone, Nigeria were relatively adequate, with school cafeteria, staff bus and hand washing facilities not properly planned in the school planning document. This was supported by the aggregate mean of 3.2 on table 5, playgrounds were not properly planned. This was supported by the aggregate mean of 3.0 on table 6 and among others. It was therefore concluded that for effective implementation of educational programme in public senior secondary schools in North-west Zone Nigeria, variables of school plant planning must be appropriately designed and implemented. It was therefore recommended that when planning school plant, administrative facilities should be appropriately designed and the buildings should be central to the school and visitor access because it is school‟s access control point, so visibility and easy way finding is important and it is advised that school-based health/welfare advisory committee should be constituted in each school to include teachers, students, parents and community representatives. The committee should facilitate communication with the groups or individuals that are interested in school health/welfare services. This study will therefore, contribute to the body of knowledge in that, it will remind all the relevant stakeholders and the general public that no matter how teachers are professionally trained, if school plant is not appropriately planned and effectively implemented then the expected quality output in our secondary schools will be a mirage.
- ItemASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTS OF FARMER FIELD SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ON LIVELIHOOD OF SMALL-HOLDER COCOA FARMERS IN KWARA STATE, NIGERIA(2023-02)The study assessed the effects of farmer field school activities on livelihood of small-holder cocoa farmers in Kwara State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. Five research question were raised with two testable null hypotheses. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select all the 160 respondents in Kwara State. A researcher designed interview schedule was used as instrument for collecting data. The reliability result of the instrument yielded a Guttman Split-half coefficient 0.73. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics to achieve objectives while chi-square and linear regression analysis were used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significant. The result shows that skills provided by farmer field school had significant relationship with training needs of smallholder cocoa farmers (p=0.001<0.05). It was concluded that FFS activities showed positive relationship between the skills provided and the training needs of small-holder cocoa farmers. The study recommends that FFS should continue to serve as a training base that involve more farmers into the programme and encourage extension service delivery to encourage capacity building and increase productivity.
- ItemUTILISATION OF DIGITAL LIBRARY SERVICES FOR RESEARCH ACTIVITIES BY POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS IN KASHIM IBRAHIM LIBRARY, AHMADU BELLO UNIVERSITY, ZARIA(2024-08)This research is carried out with a view to investigate the utilisation of digital library services for research activities by postgraduate students in Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Four research questions were raised and some of them are; what types of digital library services do postgraduate students accessed for research activities in Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria? For What research activities do postgraduate students utilize digital library services in Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria? Quantitative research methodology was adopted for the study by employing cross sectional research deign. A total number of 2800 postgraduate students were used as population of the study, while sample size of 338 was drawn. The copies of questionnaire were used to collect data for the study. The data collected was presented and analyzed using frequency table, simple percentage, mean and standard deviation. The study revealed that the types of digital library services were Digital journals service, Digital theses and dissertations service and Online public access catalog service. The study also revealed that the procedure for accessing digital library services is through Digital Repositories, through Subscribed Databases, through Open Access Databases and through E-book Areas. The findings shows that these services are underutilised by postgraduate students. Furthermore, The findings revealed that digital library services include digital journals, digital theses and dissertations, and online public access catalogs. Identification of area of interest and consulting related literature is used in research activities performed by postgraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The postgraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria were highly satisfied with Digital Journals Service. The study recommended that there is need for the management of Kashim Ibrahim Library at Ahmadu Bello University to lay an emphasis on the least type of digital library services for postgraduate students, which include the digital inter library loan service, the digital document delivery service and the digital book service. There is need for the management of Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, to enhance the most digital library services for postgraduate students. The study suggests that the management of Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, should focus on improving digital library services for postgraduate students.. The library should also educate students on the use of digital services through orientation programs and seminars. There is a need for the management of Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, and Zaria to improve their existing digital library services in order to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency. The management of Kashim Ibrahim Library should enlighten more on the utilisation of digital library services through the orientation programs, seminars, and awareness programs organized by the staff members of Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.