Democracy, Local Government and Infrastructural Development: A Study of Zaria Local Government in Kaduna State Nigeria
Democracy, Local Government and Infrastructural Development: A Study of Zaria Local Government in Kaduna State Nigeria
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Ahmed Idris Jamo
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13th Annual UCP Public Administration Research Conference, Organized by the Center for Public and Nonprofit Management. University of Central Florida (UCF), USA. 28th February – 1st March
A growing body of scholarship explores correlation between Democracy and Development. The majority of
the scholarship focuses on certain indices of Development especially in developed democracies. We know
little on the influence of democratic governance on grassroots communities particularly in terms of provision
of physical infrastructural facilities. Local Governments are positioned to improve development at the local
level and bring rural communities closer to the government. But studies show the contrary, grassroots
communities in Nigeria are the most downtrodden citizens with difficult access to physical infrastructural
facilities. This study examines the influence of democratic governance on infrastructural development at the
grassroots level. The scope of the study is limited to Zaria Local Government in Kaduna state, Nigeria
between 2000 and 2017. Both primary and secondary sources of data were utilized. In the case of primary
data, interviews were conducted; questionnaires were randomly administered to members of the public in six
wards across Zaria LG. Data gathered were subjected to Spearman correlation analysis. Findings of the
study indicated that democratic governance in Nigeria has improved infrastructural development in certain
areas of Zaria Local Government. The study concludes that for infrastructures to be adequately provided at
the grassroots level, democratic ideals, accountability and prudent management of public resources must be