BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE LESSER GRAIN BORER, Rhizopertha dominica Fabricius ( Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) ON WHEAT ( Triticumaestivum L).
BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE LESSER GRAIN BORER, Rhizopertha dominica Fabricius ( Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) ON WHEAT ( Triticumaestivum L).
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The life cycle, flight ability, host preference, microorganisms
associated with and chemical control of the lesser
grain borer, Rhizopertha dominica F. was studied. On whole
wheat, the life cycle took four weeks to complete but took
five to six weeks on other test food materials. The adult
insects were found to fly freely and measured 1.338-2.275mm
in length. When the effect of R. dominica was compared on
different host food materials, millet (Var. Sammil-1) was
found to be the preferred host leading to more survivors
during the development process, while wheat (Var. Samwhit-6)
was suitable for shorter length of the life cycle. The
micro-organisms Aspergillus niger. Rhizopus Spp..,
Penicillium Spp. and an unidentified bacterium were found
associated with the insect externally while Aspergillus Spp.
and the same unidentified bacterium were found associated
with the insect internally. The chemical insecticides
Actellic 2% dust, Coopex 5% dust, Phostoxin tablets, lindane
5% dust and Quickphos tablets gave significantly high adult
mortality three days after treatment than airtight and
ventilated controls. All the chemicals suppressed progeny
development and emergence after killing the parents with the
exception of Actellic 2% dust
A Thesis submitted to the Crop Protection
Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ahmadu Bello
University Zaria in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree of Master of Science
(M.Sc.) Crop Protection.
MAY, 1993
BIOLOGY,, GRAIN BORER,, Rhizopertha,, dominica,, B o s t r i c h i d a e,, T r i t i c u m aestivum