Management, Services and Use of Law Libraries In Northern States of Nigeria
Management, Services and Use of Law Libraries In Northern States of Nigeria
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It is observed that no organisation particularly the type
of Law Libraries investigated can survive well without effective
management and support enjoyed from the authorities concerned.
This study is based on the management, use and services of Law
Libraries in the Northern States of Nigeria. They are the States
High Court and the Ministry of Justice Libraries in Kaduna, Kano,
Kwara, Plateau and Sokoto. Investigation was carried out to
critically examine their management, use and services. The
survey research method was adopted for the conduct of the study
while questionnaire was used to collect data. It was found that:-
Five of the ten libraries were headed by para-professionals
(2) No Library controls library vote and neither maintains an
imprest. (3) The majority of the Chief Executives of the
Ministry of Justice and High Court Law Libraries to whom the
Librarian were responsible to usually interfered with their
professional duties. (4) Non of the Libraries existed as an
independent department. (5) Non of the Libraries had a written
acquisition policy. (6) The following services were offered
by the Law Libraries: Lending, Reference, Abstracting, Indexing,
Bibliographic, Selective Dissemination of Information and Noter-upservices.
(7) Lending services received maximum attention by the
libraries. (8) Based on the above finding it is concluded that
the libraries do not meet the special library standards required
for a law library if one considers quality and quantity of their (viii)
staff strength, materials and services provided and their
physical facilities. (9) The use of the library is mainly by
the Lawyers who were found not to care much about rules and
regulations of the library, particularly when it comes to
returning library books borrowed.
On the basis of the findings in this study several
recommendations have been proposed aimed at improving the
management, services and use of the Northern States Law
Libraries and other special libraries in Nigeria.
Management, Services and Use of Law Libraries, Management, Services and Use of Law Libraries