Bibliometnc Analysis of Publication Output Patterns of Faculty Members of Agriculture And Veterinary Complex of A Nigerian University

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Ibrahim, U.
Momoh, K.A.
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The study is set out to analyse publication research output patterns of the faculty members of Agriculture and Veterinary Complex of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria from 2002 - 2012 using selected quantitative bibtiometric indicators. Data collected emanated from 33 bounded copies of curriculum vitae and publications of professors and associated professors’ approved by the university central committee responsible for the appointments and promotion of staff. The units investigated were the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Division of Agricultural Colleges (DAC), National Animal Production and Research Institute (NAPRI), Faculty of Agriculture (FOA), National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services (NAERLS) and The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Teaching Hospital (FVM&TH). To overcome anticipated variation and differences in the distribution of faculty members, a stratified random sampling was employed to proportionately draw from each stratum. Response rate achieved equals 86.84%; a total of 1134 articles were published in numerous research output formats by the faculty members, however journals (642) were the most preferred format. Year wise assessments of research output revealed that year 2006 was the most productive with score distributions of 159 and the most patronized authorship pattern was four contributors per paper (296). In conclusion, faculty members' research output trends were expressible in research output formats, year-wise distributions and prevalence authorship patterns which show commitment to research activities, dissemination and dispersion of research findings. The study recommends the maintenance of staff bound curriculum and publications because it is a veritable tool for bibliometric analysis and pointer to progress made by the faculty membership and units of the complex to agricultural development.
(Department of Library and Information Science Dtfimadu (Betto University, Zaria
Bibliometnc Analysis,, Publication Output Patterns,, Faculty Members,, Agriculture And Veterinary Complex,, Nigerian University