A M O D E L A D U L T M A S S L I T E R A C Y C E N T RE F O R K A D U N A S T A T E , S A M I N A K A
A M O D E L A D U L T M A S S L I T E R A C Y C E N T RE F O R K A D U N A S T A T E , S A M I N A K A
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Despite the importance of Adult Mass Education as
one of the means of bringing about social, cultural,
economic, political and religious transformations in a
society, adult mass education had not been receiving
the attention it deserved in the scheme of affairs in
Nigeria as a whole. This kind of attitude resulted in
adult mass illiteracy of the citizens of the country
thereby culminating in ignorance, poverty, underdevelopment
and other forms of anti-social vices. Having
realised the importance of Mass Literacy Education, the
Federal Government in conjunction with the various
state governments decided to embark on Adult Mass
Literacy education thereby establishing centres. The
centres were established with a view to narrow the gap
between the rural and urban communities, and to integrate
the former into the nation's life. These centres
are also looked upon to hopefully design methods for
mobilizing the rural people and local resources with a
views to increasing production\income that will help
raise their standard of living and promote the spirit
of initiation and self-reliance.
In most developing countries however, architectural
approach to learning environments has not really
been recognised. Many architects design without paying
any attention to the needs, preferences. life-styles
and locality of the adult rural illiterates for whom
the buildings are meant. One of the major problems
being faced is the situation whereby adults learn in
environments which do not acknowledge their adulthood.
People's perception of the physical environment was
found to be key determinant in their use and satisfaction
with it.
The thesis therefore is more concerned with
creating a suitable environment to motivate the adult
learners. In the process of this research, both local
(traditional) and conventional study spaces will be
analysed as well as the different techniques employed
in such centres. The users are also going to be considered
A synthesis of this is further envisaged to aid
us arrive at certain design requirements for adults in
Adult Literacy Schools. These 'models' will subse
quentlv be used to design adult mass literacy centres
in all local governments in Kaduna State.
The design scope will be limited to the following
primary units: An administrative Unit. The Academic
Unit and Vocational Section as well as
Recreational\Auxiliary Units.
Department of Architecture
Faculty of Environmental Design
Ahmadu Bello University
Z a r i a .
M O D E L,, A D U L T,, M A S S,, L I T E R A C Y,, C E N T RE,, K A D U N A S T A T E ,, S A M I N A K A,, A d u l t,, N e e d s,, L e a r n i n g,, E n v i r o n m e n t)